“The Age of the Cruise: What If the Bad Guys Got the Technology?” The International Economy, July/August 1993. (pdf)
Resources: Military Doctrine & Technology
“Roles, Missions & Functions for National Security Emergency Preparedness,” Parameters Vol. XXIV No. 2, Summer 1994.
May 17, 1989, Subcommittee on Defense Industry and Technology, Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, “Defense Production Act.”
June 14, 1990, Subcommittee on Economic Stabilization, Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, United States House of Representatives, “Reauthorization of the Defense Production Act.
January 23, 1992, House Armed Services Committee, Structure of U.S. Defense Industrial Base Panel, “Military Technology and Industry.”
“Conventional Doctrine: Integrating Alliance Forces,” in Conventional Deterrence: Alternatives for European Defense, edited by James R. Golden, Asa A. Clark and Bruce E. Arlinghaus, Lexington Books, 1984. (pdf)
“Prospects and Risks of Technological Dependency,” in Strategy and Technology, Strategic Concepts in National Military Strategy Series, U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, April 1, 1992. Reprinted in The Search for Strategy: Politics and Strategic Vision, edited by Gary L. Guertner, Greenwood Press, Contributions in Military Studies Number 143, 1993. (pdf)
“The Revolution in Military Affairs,” with Jeffrey McKitrick, Fred Littlepage, George Kraus, Richard Blanchfield and Dale Hill, Battlefield of the Future: 21st Century Warfare Issues,” edited by Barry R. Schneider and Lawrence E. Grinter, Air War College Studies I National Security Number 3. Air University Press, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, September 1995.
“Professionalism and Army Doctrine: A Losing Battle?” in Don M. Snider and Gayle L. Watkins, The Future of the Army Profession, McGraw-Hill, 2002; Revised & Expanded Second Edition, Don M. Snider and Lloyd J. Matthews, McGraw-Hill 2005
Conventional Combat Priorities: An Approach for the New Strategic Era, the Final Report of the CSIS Conventional Combat 2002 Project, The Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C., May 1990.